![]() 10/11/2013 at 05:02 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Bored in math.
As for me, i took my license in a brand new Audi TT 2.0 TDI QUATTRO manual.
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its 5 in the morning here!
I took it in a piece of shit cobalt LS sedan
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2 hours, and i'm a free man!
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04 r32
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I took it in a VW Golf 6 2,0 TDI (140hp) 4-motion. Had the test in a snow-storm, so the four-wheel drive was useful. Good car, but slightly boring.
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I took the test in the winter holiday season, so i was forced to take half of my test on the motorway, while it was snowing like hell, i agree, its pretty neat with four-wheel drive!
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In this majestic old beast, my dad's '05 Taurus wagon
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So let me get this straight, i'm from Denmark, and we are not allowed to take our license i our own/parents cars? Is it allowed in USA? And what is the rules, are you only allowed to use manuals? or is automatics also okay? :)
![]() 10/11/2013 at 05:18 |
I took my test in the driving school instructor's '96 Hyundai Excel X3.
Shifting gears was akin to a mixing bowl, the clutch had seen better days and it was... purple. That said, it was the better alternative, for want of a better phrase, to using my own car at the time, which was a beige '77 Mazda 323 (GLC) hatch with a snapped handbrake cable and questionable suspension.
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96 Rav4. Not mine pictured, but same colour.
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The driving school we went to forced us to use their cars (because of the passenger side pedals and all), so what did I drive? A muhfuggin' PT Cruiser GT with a turbo, the most half-assed attempt of all of Chrysler, the most half-assed of all carmakers.
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Oh I'm from Canada, we can use anything we're insured for, I don't know about the states, and I was insured for that car so I could learn on it. And it doesn't mater if it's auto or manual, so everyone does auto to pass the test easier
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Wow, must been dreadful and fun as hell at the same time!
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In the US it depends on the institution whose car you use (see my other comment). Some schools make you use their cars, others let you drive dad's. However, there's no manual/auto-only license like I know some of you guys have in Europe: if you pass the test in a car, you can drive any car. Personally, I think that everyone should be forced to learn to drive in a manual car (more involved with car blahblahblah), but sadly in the US you're lucky if you even know someone with an H-pattern between the front seats, much less own one yourself.
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I get my car license in the most jalop car ever. 1999 Toyota Camry with a stick.
And for heavy car license, I took it in that thing. Golden Dragon 300.
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Oh thanks for the information mate. Yeah we are indeed forced to use the manual, but mainly because the main part of the cars are sold with a manual, because somehow its alot cheaper to buy a manual
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I passed my test in one of these noble machines, not your la-di-dah Audi! T'was a grey diesel version of this Citroën C3, that my driving instructor had. Horrible plastic, a seat that was too high and a very high biting point on the clutch.
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My mom's 1994 Honda Accord with the 5-spd
The lady testing looked right at me and said "you know if you stall, you fail. Right?"
Yeah, I had no problems
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No problem! The way you described makes much more sense at a fundamental level (saves money plus teaches your newly-minted drivers the ability to drive any car on the road, manual or auto), but here in the US we like to be all-inclusive, so that the future highway-texters and turn signal-forgoers can get their licenses just as easily as responsible drivers, because otherwise it'd be unfair to those kids who can't be bothered to learn to drive manual /sarcasm
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I learned in the car from my driving school, one of these (then) new 2000 Ford Focus (turbo diesel, manual, obviously)
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I passed in one of these as well! Although in the UK badged as an Accent Coupe no less. It had about 240,000 miles on it and the drivers side electric window needed a little help on the way back up.
But it worked, despite having spent its entire existence as a driving school car, gearbox was a bit rubbish too.
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In this. I present to you a manual, diesel Toyota Starlet, complete with all the necessary motoring school livery. Could be the exact same car, I don't really remember the number plate.
![]() 10/11/2013 at 06:03 |
Wow that is rough! Fun to drive?
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Well played sir!
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I took my license in a VW Golf III VR6
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No way, awesome!
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Haha, i feel bad for you
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I rented this once i was in Spain, i have never experienced such a blindspot at the A-pillar. Horrible piece of s**t
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It made me appreciate my parents' Mazda3, that's for sure. The PT Cruiser was so bad it was almost comical, like I couldn't believe a multi-billion dollar company spent hundreds of millions to develop such a terrible car. Even funnier was the guy who ran the driving school bragged to us about the turbo and made it seem like we were lucky to have a turbocharged car. I didn't have the heart to tell him Europeans have been slapping turbos on everything since about 1983 and that it's not special at all...
![]() 10/11/2013 at 06:37 |
Haha, ohhh ignorant people, it is the best. My teacher even told me the TT was the only TT diesel in Denmark, i just couldn't tell her the truth and break her heart that nearly every TT is an diesel i Denmark
![]() 10/11/2013 at 06:37 |
164s manual
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It was 15 years ago (saying it makes me feel really old).
It was in my parents 86 BMW 325e 2 door manual.
(Stock photo)
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Cool picture man
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Wonder if she believed that or thought you wouldn't know any better and think, hey, I'm driving a cool car! or something like that. Either way, it's still kind of sad.
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You could have a point there, but i doubt it highly
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Not a picture of the car I did it in, just one that popped up on google to show what it looked like.
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My first parallel park with it was on the test. Didn't miss a point.
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I took my test in my grandmothers ford tempo, i learned to drive in trucks and manual cars but for the test i chose a short compact car with good vision. I of course aced it. However, at least in my state of Ohio you can drive anything.
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Mine was a 1986 Peugeot 505STI.
Great car for a driver test because you couldn't speed in it, it didn't have enough power.
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Well, I would not describe it as fun... especially with all those stickers screaming "Look at me I'm a newbie!", and having everyone trying to pass you constantly just to make apoint. I never exceeded 60km/hr in it, but it was quite easy to drive. I'd say it makes a pretty decent car to start learning on.
![]() 10/11/2013 at 08:26 |
Technically I didn't, there was no driving test. I did defensive driving when I was 15 and I think that counted? So the car for the test was a beige one these:
God what a piece of shit. I did most of my driving at the time and after I got my license in one of these, so it's all good
![]() 10/11/2013 at 08:28 |
i still take offense at jabs to younger drivers. had my license for almost 2 1/2 years now, only gotten silly tickets so far tho. siri texts for me while driving.
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At least it was a turbo. That may be all it had going for it.
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It was 15 years ago, in a brand new Lumina LS.
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I tested in an '85 Mercedes 300D (family car), took my lessons in a white '99 Chevy Cavalier like this one.
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Took my driver's test in one of these during a torrential downpour.
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Unfortunately it was the driving school's new, 2006 Toyota Corolla...which may actually have contributed to my hatred of Toyotas.
At least it wasn't beige (white).
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I didn't have to do a real drivers' license exam. But I took drivers ed in a Mustang.
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~10 years ago in Odense in fact :)
(saw you were danish ;))
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Nice with some fellow danes at jalopnik! :)
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A pube
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I did it in a Corolla. It wasn't part of the test, but when my instructor first took me on the freeway, I floored the pedal, like to the bottom of the car, and at one point I was hitting 85 and I was like oh my god I'm sorry, I just didn't expect for this car to go over 70 which is why I didn't stop flooring it.
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Sorry im having a bad day. I took it in a volvo...
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My brother's CooperS...lets just say the maneuverability section was a lot easier
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Dad's 1997 Suburban 2500 with the 454. My tester came out and said "could you have found a bigger vehicle?"
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'95 Suburban 2500 with the 454. It made things pretty interesting, but I wouldn't advise it.
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Oh yea? Well I took mine in a not yet released Audi TTT 2.1 TDI CINQUE! Two of them!
![]() 10/11/2013 at 14:46 |
Not be a dick, but with the tickets and texting (even with Siri) while driving you're kind of reinforcing the stereotype of a bad teenage driver, dude. I've delivered pizzas for the past 3 years in both by hometown and college town, and the number of near-misses I've seen from people using voice-to-text would surprise you. Not telling you how you should drive, but still man, what texts are important enough to take your attention away from driving? Driving a 3500lb piece of machinery requires 100% of your attention, and purposefully distracting yourself from that is just irresponsible IMO. Then again, I'm just some dude on the Internet, so do what you want.
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I'm not offended or close minded enough to not consider your advice. I drive almost 12,000 miles a year, but none if the even near accidents were due to voice texting or phone calls as they're mostly during long straight drives on 2 lane roads. nevertheless I moved to a college town, now things are different.
![]() 10/12/2013 at 03:50 |
Glad to hear that, I felt like I had a bit of an attitude in my comment when I didn't mean to come across that way. I just wanted to point something out, not have a shitty attitude about it or tell you how to drive.
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nearly being in many accidents because of sheer irresponsibility tends to make one jaded I presume.
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It really does. After about 20k miles in a small town, I need two hands to count the number of people who have nearly hit me while on deliveries, and after a while it just becomes a fact that there are terrible drivers on the road who are oblivious to how bad they are, or just don't care. Obviously not referring to you, but yeah, after a while you just assume everyone's a bad driver to begin with, especially teenagers and soccer moms in Suburbans. Assuming everyone on the road takes driving is just wishing at best, you need to drive like everyone has no idea what they're doing.